Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Champion House - Cross Country 2010

The morning assembly following our cross country event is always anticipated keenly by our students. As well as ribbons being awarded for 1st, 2nd and 3rd, medallions are awarded to the first place getters in each age range. However, the announcement that everyone looks forward to is: "Which house will be awarded the champion house?" This year the title went to Lipman House who won convincingly with a total of 131 points. This means 131 children from Lipman participated in the cross country. An outstanding effort! House captains Millie and Jack proudly hold the champion house shield.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Cross Country

Tuesday March 30 saw the running of our annual cross country races in which all students in years 2 to 6 are encouraged to participate. Despite the heat of the day, once again the races were a huge success, thanks largely to the organisational skills of a rare group of teachers. Student participation was, as usual, very high with all levels of runners completing the course. Congratulations to those competitors who beat home their peers to gain a place in the next round of competition, and well done everyone for having a go!

Visiting Author - John Heffernan

Over a series of 3 workshops, yr 4 & 5 students are being challenged to pen a creative writing excerpt. Students minds are being stimulated and guided through the steps of creative writing. The generation of story ideas and the instruction of how to turn these into tales is being developed within the students. Students have enjoyed the wit of John’s stories and are enjoying the confidence to develop their creative ideas. John is eager to return in Wk2 Term 2 to complete these workshops and follow through the progress of the students creative pieces.